
How to write effective reports

Writing a report is a great way to summarise information in a concise manner. Since many students and staff members don’t know how to write effective reports, I am providing you with this guide.



1) Define what you’re reporting on.

how to write effective reports

Before writing a report, define exactly what you’re going to report on. What do you want to say? Who do you want to say it to? How much detail do you need? Do you just want to provide a summary of facts? Or do you want to explain why those facts matter?


2) Identify who will read the report.


Once you’ve defined what you want to write, identify who will read it. This includes people outside your organisation as well as internal stakeholders. If you’re reporting on a project, consider whether there’s anyone else involved in the process besides yourself. You might also want to think about how the report will be used. Will it be shared with others? Is it intended only for one group of people?


3) Write a first draft of your report.


Drafts are usually written quickly. They should be short and concise. Include key points and any supporting evidence, such as statistic data and research results. In the first step, focus on the content. In the second steps, check for correct grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation. Let the first draft rest for a day or two, and then proceed to the editing and proofreading phase.


Remember: use formal language for your report. This means no contractions, formal vocabulary ( e.g. initiate instead of start), the passive voice, avoidance of the personal „I“. Only indicate your personal opinion when asked.


4) Edit and proofread your report draft.

how to write effective reports


Proofreading is one of the most overlooked steps in writing. It’s easy to skip editing and proofreading because it seems like such a small task. However, it’s actually very important. If you miss even one typo, your reader will notice. Bad or wrong grammar also give the reader a bad impression of your skills and might even make it difficult to read and understand your writing.
If you want to check if your report is effective, ask a friend or colleague to proofread and give you feedback.




Following this guide on how to write effective reports will help you to impress your boss or teacher with a great report.




Check out this fantastic short article about reports 


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