study smarter not harder study skills

Study smarter, not harder: 5 Essential Study Skills

Want to ace that upcoming test or exam but want to spend less hours studying? Having the right study skills can help you get the best results in less time. Here, we’ll explore the five essential skills you need to study smarter, not harder.

study smarter not harder

Develop an Organized Plan for Studying.

One of the most important study skills is having an organized plan to follow. There are many different approaches, but generally, you should start by breaking your goals down into smaller milestones. Then, create a timetable of when to tackle each goal and how much time you’ll need for each task. Finally, stick to this planner and be consistent with your studying sessions.

Understand Content and Memorize Facts.

A crucial part of studying effectively is to take the time to understand and memorise the facts that you need. To do this, ensure you’re aware of the syllabus topics covered in the exam so you can prioritise which ones need more attention. Then, once you have clarified your focus, try different techniques.

The most popular and helpful study techniques are:

  • reading & highlighting text material
  • mind maps & concept maps
  • drawing diagrams & flow charts
  • taking notes
  • recording videos or voice memos

Practice Problem-Solving Techniques.

Many exams or tests require you to demonstrate your problem-solving skills, so practice is essential. First, start by identifying the problem-solving processes and how they can be applied to the types of questions you will face. Then, practice answering different types of questions by working on simulated exam papers, or practice with your peers. These exercises help build confidence and score in exams where problem-solving is valued.

Take Notes Effectively.

Taking effective notes is a key element to mastering any subject. Notes should capture the main points of the lecture or reading material and make them easier for you to review at a later date. Use diagrams, flowcharts or tables to make your notes both visually interesting and efficient. Additionally, use keywords or abbreviations to make note-taking faster and more effective. You can utilize resources, such as notepads, digital audio recorders, and smartphone applications to help you quickly jot down notes without missing important details.

Utilize Study Resources Effectively.

Always take full advantage of the study resources available to you such as past test papers, practice questions and extra tutorials. Use them to find out what topics are covered in tests and how well prepared you feel for exams after completing practice questions or mock tests. When studying, always make sure to allocate sufficient time for each topic.


Practising and mastering those 5 study skills to study smarter not harder will transform you into an A-student and save you time. As a result, you’ll have more time to spend on hobbies, meeting friends, and doing sports. 


If you want to get to know more tips on how to study effectively for English, click on the link below. 

Improve your English grades


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